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Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Lilly

I really need to have a talk with Ms. Pulitzer herself!
She is BREAKING me and making me want to make irrational purchases because her new fall line is incredibly cute.

Dream about it cute!

These are just a few of the items I am stalking at Belk to watch if they go on sale.


  1. I saw a girl waiting in line to vote with the elephant shirt on. I loved it!

  2. I feel you. There is a black and white lace dress that I want so bad for a wedding I have to go to in december.. gahh my belk card is going to be very happy :)

  3. My Dillard's (one of the few that carry Lilly) they have a great sales and I have no shame in buying something out-of-season in Lilly, to save a few bucks. Their fall sale is super cute.
